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Wireless screen projector same-screen converter car projector 4K HD HDMI suitable for Huawei Xiaomi Apple iPhone black

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: HALFSun

Peso con empaque: 0.355 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Vendedor Verificado

Wireless screen sharing device, get rid of the shackles of cables, wirelessly project mobile phone/tablet/computer screen content to large-screen devices, and enjoy an ultra-clear audio-visual experience.

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SKU: 363045_3d632030

Precio: U$S 117.02 $ 5.250

Ahorras: U$S 25.67 (18%) $ 1150 (18%)

U$S 91.35

$ 4.100

Este producto tiene Garantía de Entrega

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Más detalles del producto

Wireless screen adapter: liberate your screen and enjoy the big screen feast Tired of the limitations of your phone’s small screen? Want to enjoy movies, TV, games, office and other content on the big screen? Wireless screen sharing device is your ideal choice! This wireless screen adapter uses advanced wireless connection technology to synchronize the screen content of mobile phones, tablets, computers and other devices to large-screen devices (such as TVs, projectors, monitors) without cumbersome cables. You can easily enjoy the shocking experience brought by the big screen. It supports a wide range of device compatibility, whether it is Apple iOS system or Android system, it can be easily connected. At the same time, it also supports 1080P high-definition image quality, with clear and delicate images, bringing you an immersive viewing experience. In addition, the wireless screen adapter also has a built-in powerful hardware decoder that supports H.265 decoding technology, which greatly reduces the video size while ensuring image quality, allowing faster loading and smoother playback. Whether you want to watch TV shows, play games, or conduct business presentations on the big screen, wireless screen sharing devices can meet your needs. Say goodbye to cable constraints, liberate your screen, and enjoy the feast of the big screen!

Más información para tu compra de Wireless screen projector s...


¿A qué tienda pertenece este producto?

Wireless screen projector s... pertenece al catálogo de Vendedor Verificado


¿Cuánto demora el envío de Wireless screen projector s...?

Los tiempos de envió pueden variar según el producto. Recibí Wireless screen projector s... en tu casa en un tiempo de entre 20 y 30 dias.


¿Este producto tiene garantía de entrega?

Todas las órdenes tienen garantía de entrega en Uruguay. Si tu pedido no llegó luego de 60 días de realizada la orden, te devolvemos el total de tu dinero. Tener en cuenta que si la orden queda retenida en aduana por razones ajenas a Tiendamia (ejemplo: exceso de franquicias) no aplica esta garantía.
